2 Corinthians 9:8-9
And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”
God provides all, and that includes the love and gratitude that we have. When we give this season, we need to remember that the joy we have comes from the Lord. He has provided all we have and all we are able to give.
Over the last few years, we have had some ups and downs financially, but it is never more prevalent than it is around Christmas because that is the season of giving and celebrating. We want to be able to get those gifts that our kids, spouses and other family members would love, but when things are tight, it seems impossible.
Well over these years I have noticed that no matter what the situation we have been able to get something, and our kids have never been disappointed. They were aware of some of our situation and were so thankful for anything that got.
I am reminded of this thing I did one year…. When my kids were toddlers, I would take a toy that they no longer played with or fought over, and I would put it up in a box. At the end of that year for Christmas I would wrap that box and give them back their toys. They loved it, they thought were getting new toys.
This just showed me it’s not the amount spent or even what the item was. It was that something was given, and they were thankful.
The time spent with each other is what truly matters because in the end love outweighs it all.
People want to be see and thought of and that is something to remember this season.
2 Corinthians 9:11-12
Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. So two good things will result from this ministry of giving—the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God.
I heard about this story: A 12yr old boy who has written cards to those in prision and also to the troops. This year a lone he has written about 300 Christmas cards to be sent out.
This 12 yr old was diagnoised with cancer when he was 8 yrs old. The doctors told him they needed to start treatment right away but this little boy told the doctors. Can it wait a bit because I just got saved and I am to be baptized soon. The doctors agreed and since that point this boy has gone through 4 years of treatments. This entire time he has gone through his own pain and suffereing he has thought of others. He said, "If you have pain in your life, if you do something for someone then your pain will feel a little bit better."
This is so sweet and selfless. This boy took his circumstances and turned into joy.
This Christmas season lets focus on the joy of the Lord and lets spread that as far as we can.