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Do we need a bigger God box?

I was wondering if we don't short change ourselves, and certainly short changing the amazing power of God? It's because we tend to pray for things and do things even in our Christian walk that we know are do-able....not God sized but "our sized". We don't ask for the miracle or the complete healing most of the time because we have already put God in a box that keeps Him a size we can recognize and manage in our mind.

We don't reach beyond what we know can be done by humans - not how a God that has created the Universe out of nothing can do.

The Bible reminds us , "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

He is not human. He is God, the Creator, the One who merely spoke the world into existence. But we've mentally, spiritually put him in a box that is far too small for the Almighty God.

I think there are times when I keep my prayer requests to that small box size because I am not confident that he wants to grant me those BIG box prayers. But, again, the word of God reminds us that is not true.

James 1:7 says,

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” It says EVERY GOOD and PERFECT gift comes from God. That's what God wants to give us. God wants good things for us.

So, if we know God wants to give us good things...and we know that the Almighty God and Father has prepared amazing things for us...more than we have seen, heard or can imagine...then I think we need a bigger box! Better yet, we should just stop trying to put the Omnipotent God into any sized box. Begin to trust Him with the big prayers, the big asks and the amazing miracles that He still can and wants to do for you and for me! And we need to teach our children, and grandchildren that we serve a BIG God who wants His children to ask and pray to Him.

Father,, teach me not to forget what an Awsome God you are. Help me to approach our prayer time knowing, believing and trusting that you can still do great miracles, create and give good and perfect gifts. Father teach me not to ask for selfish reasons but to not be afraid to ask for the Big prayers for your kingdom.....In Jesus name, Amen.


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