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Fix Your Focus

Where are your thoughts at?

What do you worry about?

What leads you?

What you think about leads you. Where your mind goes, you go.

Philippians 4:8 - And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Our thoughts can consume us. They can take us down paths we never intended to take and we can get stuck, become worried, frustrated and fearful. Our thoughts are powerful. This is why our faith needs to be strong and our focus fixed on God.

My husband and I have been in two different situations where we have had big career changes and that is a burden that can be heavy to carry. The first one was due to the economy and needing to change a job because of lack of work coming in, he owed a small construction company. We had kids and needed something steady. We have no income for 6 months and we stood firm on the Lord. The Lord did provided a great job for my husband and we were and are so thankful. During that time without I knew the Lord would see us through and provide, and He did.

The second time was 2 years ago and we were looking at my husband going from the job he had, to a job in ministry, but we really didn't know what kind of ministry that would be. We just wanted to be obedient. We knew the sacrifice, or at lease we thought we did. When the time came and things got real I felt unprepared for what was coming. In my mind I knew God would provide for us because we were being obedient but in my heart I was struggling to have the trust and confidence in God that was needed. I struggled because I had allowed my thoughts to over take me. The "what ifs" got bigger. It was almost too much.

My husband however knew, he knew that God would see us through that season of struggle. I needed to see that in him because then it helped me to reset my focus on God. I was able to adjust my thoughts on the Lord and get my heart and mind focused on what He was providing in big and small. God moved us into ministry here at KJIC and it has been a blessing.

Philippians 4:6 - Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done.

I can 100% tell you that this verse will save you a lot of worry and help you to sharpen your focus on God. Talking with in through all situations is the best solution for a refocus.

Turn to God in all things and you will not go astray. Adjust your focus and your perspective to be on Him and you will have more clarity in the things He has for you.

Isaiah 55:8 - My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you can imagine.

Thank you Lord for Your lead in my life. Help me to always keep my focus on you.


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