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Freedom in Christ

As we celebrated the 4th yesterday and our countries freedom it is not lost on me that our ultimate freedom is found in Jesus.

Wendy Blight says in this quote, “Our faith in Jesus heals us because every person who looks to Jesus and trusts in Him will be saved from sin and death.”

Let’s talk about freedom found in Christ today.

2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

Being in this world, things can become overshadowed sometimes. I can be doing great and know that because I am following the will of the Lord, I am going to be okay and that all the things in life that come up don’t bother me. I’m trusting in the Lord. Then some days, I feel like the weight of life makes me feel like I’m walking in quicksand, and though I know I’ll be okay, there is a part of me that is struggling so badly that I forget that the Lord knows what is happening and is with me.

But as this scripture says, “wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

So really, what I need to remember is that because I have asked the Lord to lead my life, the Spirit is ALWAYS with me. No matter what is going on, I can depend on Him to lead me through it all.

Our freedom is in the Lord.

There was something that I was having a hard time letting go of after being forgiven by the Lord.

I thought I would be okay because I know I have been saved, and so this stuff shouldn’t bother me anymore, like it would just disappear or something. But that’s not how it works. This one thing was in my past, and it just kept coming to the forefront of my mind. What would happen was that the enemy used it to turn my thoughts, and my doubts would kick in. This wasn’t anything bad that I had done, but it was something that the enemy knew would slow me down from the progress that was being made with the Lord.

Romans 8:1 says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”

This is the scripture I should have held onto when Satan was trying to tell me lies about this one thing that kept coming to mind. But I realized that because it kept coming up, what really needed to happen was for me to believe I was forgiven, and then I needed to forgive myself. Once I stepped into that freedom, I have not had that same issue.

Our freedom is in the Lord.

Truth is something we all want. We seek it out, and we want to rest assured that we are trusted and able to trust those around us.

When we ask the Lord to save us and walk this life with us, we are asking for freedom from our worldly flesh. We trust that He will forgive, provide, and guide us.

For me, thinking about it, when asking Jesus to forgive me, I feeling I was also asking Him to reveal all the things in my life that needed to be changed so that truth through Him and His word would be brought in.

John 8:32 says, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

The Lord is truth, and when you ask Him to forgive you and lead you in life, you are going to be opened up to the truth that He brings. The healing and freedom will begin, and things will start to change in your life.

Our freedom is in the Lord.


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