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Open Heart and Open Mind

Today, we’re diving into the theme of having an open heart and an open mind. In our busy lives, it’s easy to guard ourselves from new ideas or overlook God’s voice. But Scripture teaches us the beauty of being open to His leading and to others around us.

1 Chronicles 16:11 says, “Search for the Lord and for His strength; continually seek Him.” We have all had moments where we may have resisted change or maybe even a different perspective, only to realize later that it was, in fact, God just working in our lives. Basically, we just need to learn to be willing to have an open heart and open mind when seeking out what we are to do.

There is great importance in the willingness in our relationship with God.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God!”

The great importance of our willingness comes when we are open to quieting our hearts in order to hear God’s voice through all the distractions of the world. Those distractions can close us off from God’s wisdom and discernment. When we let that happen, we are missing out on great opportunities.

One of the best things we can do to set the tone for quiet time is to start the day with 5 minutes of prayer or reflection. This not only opens our heart and mind to the Lord, but it also starts our day with peace, and we are then able to carry that with us for the rest of the day.

A good question to ask ourselves is: When was the last time you felt God speaking to you? Another good question is: When was the last time you sat quietly?

Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.”

We need to continually work towards removing unnecessary barriers. Boundaries are good, but sometimes the boundaries we have actually set may not be healthy ones. In that, we can develop a problem with unforgiveness or pride, and those are things that can harden our hearts. When our hearts are hardened, we will then have a harder time being willing and open to hear from God or anyone else, for that matter.

We need to recognize the difference between both good and bad barriers or boundaries and ask God to help us sort through them so that we can release the ones that need to be given to Him. This will cause healing and allow our hearts and minds to be open.

Something that I carry with me probably more than I should is how I am perceived. With that, I can be defensive, so this is something that I ask God to help me with.

What is one thing weighing your heart down that you need to pray and ask for God to help you release?

What is holding you back from fully opening your heart to God?

Trusting God when His plans don’t align with ours… yep, that’s a tough one, but there is Scripture to back this up. It’s Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

In reading our daily devotional that we send out here at KJIC called The Word For You Today, there was a line in one of the devotionals that says, "God's will, done God's way, according to God's timetable always brings success. But your will, done your way, according to your timetable can bring you trouble and heartache." God's plans are best for us and we need to trust Him with out present and future.

Mark 12:31 says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

I was reading in another devotional yesterday that I have about how, just like us, Jesus was misunderstood. He loved all and taught so many, but yet He was still misunderstood by society, so much so that they rejected Him. Nonetheless, though, He continued His work here on Earth with love.

We can take these lessons and learn from them when it comes to showing love to difficult people. I think one of the best ways to show love and kindness to others, no matter what the relationship might be, is to actively listen. When we do that, we will find that we come to understand so much of who they are, what they may be walking through, and how we can move forward in showing love to them.

What is one way you can think of to show kindness to someone today, and who might come to mind? Take a step and follow through with that.

Another great question that I think we all probably have an answer for is: Who in your life needs to experience Christ’s love through you? With that person in mind, ask God to help guide you to show that love to them.

The power of listening and understanding where someone is coming from really changes our perspective and could change the other person’s perspective of you as well.

Philippians 2:4 says, “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

Humility opens doors to meaningful connections, and with those connections, we are able to more easily share and have open hearts and minds to listen and receive not only from God but from those around us.

How many of us have asked a question and listened, but in the middle of listening, we are already thinking about the next thing we are going to say? When we do that, we may find ourselves more likely to interrupt, and when we do that, it might show the other person that what they are saying isn’t important. So, let’s be willing to intentionally listen without interrupting. I am working on this right now because I think it is so important for better communication.

What is something you can work on starting today that will help you to practice humility to strengthen your relationships?

Ephesians 4:3 says, “Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”

This means that we need to be willing and ready, with open hearts and open minds, to embrace differences within the body of Christ. We all have different backgrounds, different views, and different ways of doing things. When we are in one accord in Christ, none of that should stop us from coming together as the body of Christ to use the gifts that God has given us to further His Kingdom. We need to celebrate those unique gifts given to us by God.

What is one of your gifts that you can use to contribute to your community? Also, how can you pray for someone whose views and backgrounds may differ from yours?

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God.”

When we are walking through trials, we can dwell on those and really sit in them, finding it hard to see that these trials we are going through could somehow be used as opportunities for spiritual growth. For us to see these as opportunities, we need to keep open hearts and open minds so that we can see all of our trials as God’s refining process.

Reflect on a recent challenge and identify one lesson that God is teaching you. How do you see that challenge or lesson strengthening your faith?

We need to walk with an open heart and open mind in order to be willing to do what God is guiding us to do. That guidance may be something we are ready for, but for us to keep in line with what the Lord has, we need to ask for that guidance. So its goes both ways - ready and seeking.

James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.”

Wisdom equips us to stay open to His will. When we have walked through challenges and made it through, those give us wisdom and also equip us for the next. With that wisdom, we know that God is with us, that He is faithful, and that in Him we are strengthened.

Pray daily for God’s wisdom and discernment before making decisions. With His guidance, we will have peace in those decisions.

Where in your life do you need God’s wisdom? Reach out to Him and ask Him to help you with that.

Are you teachable? We can say we are, but are we really? If not, are you willing to cultivate a teachable spirit so that we can learn from the Lord and grow spiritually?

Proverbs 1:5 says, “Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser.”

I think I’m teachable for the most part, but there are times that I have found that I’m not, or at least I’m not as willing to hear or learn what I need to. But I am learning that when that comes up, I need to take a step back and be more open to learning in order to grow. We also need to be willing to have this same kind of willingness when it comes to deepening our relationship with God.

We are going to find it hard to take on changes and learn new things, but in that, there lies relational growth with the Lord.

Something we can do to grow is to pick a book of the Bible and read one chapter a day. You will find yourself moving closer to the Lord every day. A good book to choose might be Proverbs.

How can you personally stay open to God’s teaching in your daily life?

I want to reiterate that we have talked about having an open heart and open mind through seeking God’s voice, embracing others, and staying open to growth.

An open heart and mind are powerful tools for living a life of faith. When we open ourselves to God and others, we create space for His love, wisdom, and peace to flow through us. Let’s carry that openness into our day and beyond.

When you open your heart to God, He will fill it with His love, wisdom, and purpose.

Keep your heart and mind open to God’s leading.

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