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Posture and Perspective

We can let our perspective control our hearts but if we are following Christ then our hearts should be postured toward Him and desiring what He wants so then our perspective would be on God.

Philippians 1:6 - And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

God is always working on us and showing us ways to grow.

My husband and I were working on some sheet rock. He was about to start texturing the walls but the machine was not being very corporative. He worked on the texture machine for about an hour or so and was about ready to give up hope on the machine working.

He was trying different positions with the sprayer and hose. At one point he was holding the sprayer up over his head to try to get the air out of the hose so he could begin to spray the texture....after this he thought he had tried everything.

Eventually after inspecting the machine he realized he had it on the wrong setting so he changed that and once that was corrected, he was able to get the job done.

As I was sitting there watching him raise the hose over his head and watching all the air move around...God showed me something.

He showed me that when He is doing a work on us He has to change our posture and our perspective to bring to the surface the things we need to work on or through in order for us to be able to then do what it is He has for us to do.

Sometimes we will try to do things on our own or change something by ourselves but in the end God will lead us to the right path and help us see that his way and timing are best. I think posture and perspective need to work together. Our perspective can sometimes be on the wrong things and then the posture of our hearts can follow that. We need to make adjustments and changes.

Psalm 32:8 - The LORD says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

Thank you Lord for your guidance and for watching over us. Help us to keep our perspective focused on you so our hearts posture will be toward you and we will desire what you desire and we can do all the things you set in front of us. With on confidence in you Lord we can be sure to fulfill all you have placed in our path. Amen.


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