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Spring Is In The Air

Spring is in the air — can you feel it? The days are getting longer, the trees are turning green, and there’s just something about spring that feels like a fresh start.

Spring is a beautiful reminder that God is always at work, making things new — in nature, in our hearts, and in our lives. Today, we’re talking about embracing the newness that comes with this season and letting God breathe fresh life into our spirits.

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT) — “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

Let’s dive into the beauty of spring and what it teaches us about renewal and hope.

Spring is a season of beginnings — flowers blooming, birds singing, and the world shaking off the cold of winter. But it’s not just about nature. It’s a reminder that God offers us new beginnings every single day. Let’s dive into what that means.

Just as trees shed their old leaves in winter, we’re invited to let go of past burdens.

I heard a story about why trees turn colors and shed leaves, and basically, it’s all because they conserve energy when the sun isn’t shining as much. Then, once spring comes back around and the sun shines more, they’re ready for new growth.

God’s mercies are new every morning. Our daily rest can bring new growth. Spring is a perfect time to embrace that fresh start.

Take a moment today to pray and surrender anything weighing on your heart.

Like spring cleaning, what’s one thing you need to let go of to embrace a fresh start?

The beauty of spring reflects God’s creativity and His promise of renewal.

Each flower, each sunrise, is a reminder that He is constantly at work, even when we can’t see it. It also reminds me that God made all of this and still thought of me. It reminds me that He took the time to create and care for the smallest bug, and if He cares deeply about that, then He must care even more about me, who has been created in His image. It’s a reminder that God shows His love in so many ways.

Take a walk outside and intentionally thank God for the beauty around you.

What part of creation reminds you most of God’s handiwork?

Just as flowers bloom in their own time, God’s plans for us unfold perfectly in His timing.

When we plant a seed, roots grow first to strengthen the plant, preparing it to produce flowers or fruit. Some plants take longer to develop than others, and seeing all plants bloom at different paces shows us that God’s timing is in everything and that His timing is perfect.

Trusting His timing means embracing the process and knowing He’s working even in the waiting.

Write down a prayer of trust and tuck it away, letting it serve as a reminder that God is in control.

How can you surrender your timeline to God and trust His perfect plan?

Spring isn’t just about external growth — it’s a season for spiritual growth too. Just like plants need sunlight and rain, our faith needs nourishment. Let’s talk about growing closer to God this spring.

Plants need water to grow — and our faith needs the living water of God’s Word.

Our main scripture for today is Isaiah 43:19 (NLT) — “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

Daily time with God helps us stay rooted and grounded in truth. Jesus is the living water that we need, and when we stay in the Word, we are being filled, rooted, and grounded in truth.

What’s one way you can ‘water’ your faith this week?

One spring, I decided to plant a little garden. Actually, I’ve done this a few times over the years… Anyway, I watered it, pulled weeds, and waited. And waited. For a while, it looked like nothing was happening. But then — almost overnight — little green sprouts appeared. It reminded me that God is always working behind the scenes, even when we don’t see immediate results.

Trust that God is growing something beautiful in your life, even if you don’t see it yet. It takes time, effort, and consistency to yield a good harvest.

What’s an area in your life where you need to trust God’s unseen work?

You don’t need perfect conditions to bloom. This is an interesting statement because we often think we have to be in perfect condition to hear and grow from the Lord or even go to the Lord. But really, we just need to be willing no matter where we are.

God has placed you where you are for a reason — embrace the season you’re in.

Look for opportunities to serve or encourage someone right where you are. When we look for ways to make a positive impact in our current situation, it can change our perspective and our heart posture.

In that, there is growth because we are looking for ways to serve the Lord and not dwell on our situation.

Spring brings so much joy — sunshine, flowers, and that feeling of possibility in the air. But the best part of renewal is sharing it. Let’s explore how we can spread God’s goodness this season.

Just like spring’s beauty isn’t meant to be hidden, our faith is meant to be shared.

Small acts of kindness can plant seeds of hope in others.

Brighten someone’s day with an encouraging note or a random act of kindness.

Everyone can use encouragement. Who in your life comes to mind that you can share some encouragement with?

One day, my husband and I were out, and we grabbed some lunch. As we were pulling out of the drive and getting onto the road, my husband suddenly decided to turn back and buy some more food. I was confused because we had just eaten, and I asked him what he was doing. He said he saw someone and felt like he needed to buy them some food. I didn’t see the guy, but I trusted my husband. We got the food, drove over to the guy, and my husband got out of the car, took the man the food, and talked to him for a few minutes. This was awesome for me to witness because I saw the Lord working through my husband.

Never underestimate the power of kindness — even the smallest gesture can plant seeds of hope.

What simple act of kindness can you do today?

Spring is a time to slow down and soak in God’s blessings. If your family is anything like mine, you probably spend more time outside once daylight savings and springtime hit. I’m so thankful for the extra daylight and also for the family time spent together enjoying the beautiful weather.

Gratitude transforms our perspective and helps us see the beauty in every season.

Start a gratitude journal this spring and jot down one thing you’re thankful for each day.

What are you most thankful for right now?

I hope you’re feeling a little more refreshed — just like the world around us this spring. Isaiah 43:19 reminds us that God is always doing something new. Whether you’re stepping into a season of growth, waiting patiently for a bloom, or simply soaking in the sunshine, trust that God is at work.

Friends, let’s embrace this season of renewal. Let’s let go of the past, grow deeper in our faith, and spread a little extra joy. After all, spring isn’t just a season — it’s a reminder that with God, every day is a fresh start.

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