“Our words have the power to build people up and give them life or tear people down and bring them death. The words we speak can inspire and encourage others while, in the same sentence, deflate and discourage.”
Our words are weighted, and we need to be thoughtful and discerning with them.
Our words can set the tone for conversations, and they have the power to steer conversations in many different directions, so we cannot underestimate them at all.
Have you ever received constructive criticism, but didn’t perceive it as constructive? I have, and I think it was because of the tone I perceived in the person's voice, rather than their actual words.
Proverbs 18:20-21 states, "Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."
When speaking to others, regardless of the content, we need to be mindful of both our words and our tone to ensure that the other person is genuinely receptive to what we are saying.
How do you typically speak to yourself? Is it more positive or negative? Although we strive to be positive, negative self-talk often dominates our inner dialogue.
Proverbs 10:11 affirms, "The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions."
This scripture illustrates how speaking kindly to ourselves can be life-giving.
I often engage in self-talk and have uttered things to myself that I would never say to anyone else. Why is that? Because I am my own worst critic. However, what I truly need to practice is speaking life and scripture over myself.
Just as we are discerning about how we speak to others, we must extend the same mindfulness to ourselves.
"Tone of voice is particularly powerful in conveying emotional meaning, and in its absence, we tend to fill that gap with our own hopes, fears, or impressions about how the other person feels. We might guess correctly, especially if we know them well, but it’s also possible that our impressions could be far from reality."
When I contemplate this quote, it underscores the importance of understanding the intention behind words versus how we interpret them due to the tone in which they were delivered.
I've experienced situations where something was said, and I misunderstood it, leading me to overthink the entire scenario, only to later realize I misinterpreted it.
When God communicates with us, He does so intentionally, ensuring clarity and understanding so that we can grasp His message and its intended meaning.
John 10:27 reinforces this concept, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."