How would you like to be an Action Hero?
Lately it seems that nearly every summer movie is about some kind of Action or war hero. If you’ve read first John 3:18 you know that we are expected to be people of action…and that action is love. 3:18 says…. Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything. You can’t walk down a card aisle in a grocery store without seeing hundreds of cards about love, and that’s sweet. But love isn’t a picture of a flower, or a pretty bouquet, or even the cutest puppy you’ve ever seen holding a sign that says I love you.
Love is a verb…we are to love like Jesus…like Jesus loves us and the way Jesus allowed his love to be nailed to a tree to give his children life forever. Don’t miss your chance to be an Action Hero…remember don’t just love with words…love with action and truth. You don’t need a cape or a sidekick…you just need to be someone’s Action Hero by putting your love into action. By doing so, you can teach your children, grandchildren or your Sunday School Class how to grow into their own capes and become Action Heroes for Jesus too.